Monday, October 15, 2012

Little Nemo in Google-Land

selamat pagi .. :)
kenapa korang tak tidur lagi nie?
study yaa? hee.
aku tadi dalam mood nak melukis doodle sebenarnya,
then, idea tak datang-datang,
aku tunggu selama setengah jam.
lukis, erased. lukis, erased.
uh, malas laaa nak melukis kalau macam ni. 
takde sumber inspirasi...!

kebetulan pulak, masa aku tengah beriaa buat muka depan untuk hantar assignments esok,
Fakha mintak tolong aku cari maksud something.
apa lagi, encik Google!
daku memerlukan andaaa ............... :)

korang dah tengok belom tag untuk google, sempena 15 Oktober 2012?
comel. comel sangat, dan aku terkejut.
sangat comel .. :')

L i t t l e N e m o I n G o o g l e - L a n d

tiba-tiba aku teringat masa kecik-kecik dulu.
selalu je mimpi macam ni kalau demam.
bila tersedar je, mesti muntah.
hm, masih segar diingatan. sampai sekarang.

mimpi jatuh dari tempat tinggi.
eee, tak suka betul mimpi macam tu.
boleh buat aku gila. hee.

itu bukanlah main point dia,
apa yang aku nak cakap,
nama Nemo yang dia guna tuuuuu.
nama arwah abang aku.

kebetulan pulak sama.
huh, nanges.
night, kbai.


Winsor Zenic McCay (September 26, 1869 – July 26, 1934) was an American cartoonist and animator, best known for the comic strip Little Nemo(begun 1905) and the animated cartoon Gertie the Dinosaur (1914). For legal reasons, he worked under the pen name Silas on the comic strip Dream of the Rarebit Fiend.
A prolific artist, McCay's pioneering early animated films far outshone the work of his contemporaries, and set a standard followed by Walt Disney and others in later decades. His comic strip work has influenced generations of artists, including creators such as William Joyce, André LeBlanc,Moebius, Maurice Sendak, Chris Ware and Bill Watterson.

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